Thursday, November 21, 2013

Beta results are in...


Yay, I am officially pregnant!  I thought this number was low and my heart started to sink but my nurse has assured me that it is actually a little higher than what they would expect for 5 weeks, 3 days pregnant.  (I think I am actually 5 weeks, 4 days but whatevs).  I managed to get them to agree to do my first ultrasound on Wed. before Thanksgiving and amazingly they had an appointment AND my RE is available to do it!  I have seen this lady like maybe 4 times.  Almost all my IUIs were on the weekends and were done by nurses (I think?  Dr.s?) and all my ultrasounds were done by what seemed to be lower level Dr.s  Anyway I am so excited (and still nervous) to hopefully see a heart beat and count how many are in there!

We are going to Minn. for Thanksgiving to visit B's brother and sister in law and our two nephews.  My mother in law is also going to be visiting.  B REALLY wants to tell them because although we could make the 3 plus hour trip to tell his mom later when we are a little more secure that this is going to stick, this is definitely our only opportunity to tell his brother in person.  So I think as long as we have a good ultrasound on Wed. we will tell them!  We have a tricky reveal cooked up too.  I will explain that later. 

I am still not experiencing too many symptoms.  I feel the most pregnant at night when I get in bed.  My tummy feels all squishy and there is more stretchy activity going on.  I also still have insomnia.  I want to get morning sickness.  But I don't really.  But I do!  I think it will make me feel like this is real.  But seriously I don't.  I work one on one with my Pilates clients and also teach Pilates and dance classes to groups of adults and kids.  I truly have no idea how I will function if I want to barf in the middle of one of my sessions or classes.  Some of the kids I teach are really little, like 3 and 4 so I can't just run to the bathroom and leave them in the studio by themselves.  I hope I feel a little queezy but not so much that I cant get through my day.  I just can't get knocked on my ass.

Hey!  Did you hear that my beta is 2,597 and I'm pregnant????? 


  1. YAY!!!! I'd like to think that the socks I sent are the reason why ;) So happy to hear this great news.

  2. *Does a little dance!* CONGRATS!

  3. Yay, this is great news, congrats!!

  4. How many are in there, you freak!? Oh man this is so great. Can you even believe it? I mean after almost 4 years I woud just not believe it. It seems like the most impossoble thing. Like if someone were to be like, "tomorrow, you will become an asian man." I would be like "That is not ever going to happen." It's the same thing to me. Do you feel that way too!? So cool, Looking forward to hearing how the ultrasound goes!

    1. I totally feel like an Asian man, lol! We find out how many on wed!!! Based on how not sick I am so far I am guessing one. But I want it to be two!!!

  5. Great news!!! I didn't have morning sickness, so I know what you mean. I'm glad you are deciding to make the big reveal :)

  6. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so so so happy for you! That is such an awesome beta number!

  7. THIS IS FANTASTIC!! I can't wait for your u/s!!!

  8. What a great number! I'm so excited for you. :)

  9. Great news, congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys! And hey, some women don't have any symptoms at all, they only notice they're pregnant when giving birth…

  10. New here but AHHH Congratulations!!!! I've seen you on a lot of blog rolls and liked here from Jennifer Juniper! Hooray!!! Prayers to you and BABY!!

  11. Fantastic news!!! So glad you'll get your u/s done before the holiday. Happy news all around!

  12. YAY!!!!! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to hear how you plan on sharing the news!!! I'm 20 weeks now and still don't feel pregnant, so I know what you mean about wanting and not wanting morning sickness. Check with your dr before you fly--mine suggested that I avoid going through any of the scanning machines and get a super special, super sexy pat down. It's not how I'd prefer to spend my time, and clearly the TSA agents who have been molesting me before every flight since then feel the same, but I keep requesting it regardless! ;)

    1. I definitely will not go through the machines! I will get the pat down for sure! Last time I went to Minn. for Thanksgiving I had a cast on my leg for my broken foot. I had to go through special screening for that too. This year is for a much better reason!

    2. Absolutely!! Definitely something to be especially thankful for! :)

  13. CONGRATS!!!! I know that feeling well of actually WANTING to experience morning sickness. I'm finding that it's not as common as I once thought it was.
