
Saturday, August 2, 2014

She is here!!!

This will be short...not because I have my hands full with a newborn but because the power has been out all day and I'm posting from my phone which is on its last fumes before it runs out of batteries...and I've got my hands full with a newborn!

My Hazy arrived on Thurs morning at 7:48.  I had the home birth that I wanted and she was born in the water.  There were no complications and everything went as perfectly as I could have hoped for.  I still am in disbelief.

Hazy weighed 7.7lbs and is 19 1/2 in long with a gorgeous full head of hair.  True to form she was a very mellow, lazy Hazy when she emerged.  Very alert but we had to irritate her to get her to cry so she could pink up.

We are working on breastfeeding which is fucking really hard.  We were up the entire night last night and she (both of us) was very upset.  I think things are getting better today and I'm praying my milk comes in ASAP!

Full birth story and shit tons of photos to follow...I'll try to make it sooner than later I promise!


  1. Congrats from a long time reader but shitty commenter. I am so glad you got the perfect home birth. Can't wait to read more and see pics of your perfect Hazy. Take care!

  2. Aaaaaahhhh congratulations! I'm so glad that Hazy got here safe and sound and that you're doing ok as well. Keep working on that breastfeeding, it's hard, but so worth it. Can't wait to see pictures and hear your birth story!

  3. Congrats!!!! Can't wait to hear more!

  4. Ahhhhhh!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! I have been checking for this entry like a psycho all week! I am so glad thta everything went smoothly and that you had the home birth you were hoping for! Go YOU! I can't wait to mee her! She is a little Seafair baby! We are going to have some fun with this one! Imagine the adorable sailor outfit she will be in next year. omg.

  5. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Welcome to the world Hazel! Hope your milk comes in soon and calms the scene over there. 7.7 is an excellent birth weight, not tiny by any standards. Keep on trusting your intuition mama!

  6. Congratulations! I'm so glad things worked out for you to have the home birth you hoped for. Now I will hope for the BFing to get easier! By far, I found it to be the most challenging aspect of having a baby, although many women find it very easy and natural. Fingers crossed you end up that way. :)

  7. Yay! Welcome Hazy! Glad you got the birth you wanted and that she is here safe and sound. x

  8. Woohoo! How wonderful! Please don't stress about the breastfeeding thing, no one tells you ble hard is it but it does get easier x

  9. Congratulations!!

  10. Congratulations!!! So happy to hear Hazy made it here safe and sound, and that you were able to have a water birth. I hope breastfeeding gets easier for you soon-- it's a struggle in the beginning. Can't wait to hear more and see pictures!!!!

  11. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!! Can't wait to see pictures! I hope breastfeeding gets easier for you!

  12. Sweet action, CONGRATS!! =D
    The first two weeks of nursing are the worst - if you can make it that long, you're golden! Just keep slathering Lansinoh on as often as you can - before and after every nursing session, every shower, etc. It'll be so worth it to stick with it - and if you haven't already, call a lactation consultant and definitely get into a local La Leche League group. So helpful!
    Congratulations once again! =)

  13. Congratulations!!! Can't wait to hear more!

  14. My name is SARAH, my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told me to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, so i contacted him at this email;(, for him to help me get prenant,And I'm glad we came to DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his powers really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email at: ( if you are trying to get a baby, he has powers to do it, he has done mine,
