
Monday, June 16, 2014

Crazy Days...5 weeks to go!!!

Here's a quick an update.  We have thrown ourselves full gear into trying to buy a house.  We are crazy.  I can't even believe that as of two weeks and one day ago buying a house was something we were so sure we would never be able to do and was completely off our radar.  So strange how quickly things change....

Last week was a frantic panic of going to bank meetings and collecting all our paper work to get our pre approval letter for our home loan.  I think we really pulled our shit together as quickly as anybody possibly could have especially considering our work schedules and other commitments we have going on right now.  (Like birth class which I will get into later)  We met with one bank on Sat, another on Tues.  We filled out the paper work and collected all our documents on Wed. and then I went back to the bank and went through it all with them on Thurs.  We also squeezed in looking at a house we were interested in on Tues. (not the house for us).  We have been told by the bank that we will have our pre approval letter by the end of this week. 

Then this weekend we went to 4 open houses and fell in love with a house.  We were thinking because we didn't have our pre approval letter in hand that we wouldn't be able to bid on the house by the offer review date (Thurs) but it turns out that might not be the case.  B's aunt has a really good friend who is a realtor in our area and we talked with her several times on Sunday night.  She is all over it.  She is shopping our pre approval around to other lenders to see if we can get a better interest rate and she is meeting us at the house tonight to have a private tour and to give us her opinion on the property and neighborhood.  I am really interested to hear what she has to say about it.  She also set up a pre inspection that is going to get done on Wed. so if she tells us that it's a solid house for a good price then we will bid as much as we can and hope we are the more desirable buyers.  She said there has been a lot of interest in in the house (no wonder cause it's a sizable house with an amazing yard, in a decent location, for a good price) but no one else has done a pre inspection. 

B's parents are practically forcing us to accept down payment money from them and I've had a hard time coming to terms with it.  I know it makes them really happy to see us using the money to buy a house and I know that they don't need that money for anything else but it makes me uncomfortable and I feel shity that we can't do this on our own.  It makes me feel like a loser and a spoiled brat.  B has no problem with it.  At first they were saying it was a loan and we could pay them back however we were comfortable with but then I pointed out to everyone that they would be 100 years old by the time we paid them back and we would be constantly broke between our mortgage and repaying our debt.  Then the money turned from a loan into early inheritance.  Since both parents and B seem to be happy with this arrangement I am trying to suck up my own insecurities and just be grateful and appreciative. 

On top of all that we started our birth classes last week.  Our class is two and a half hrs on Tues nights until after my due date.  The woman teaching it is a world famous guru Doula named Penny Simkin.  She has written a couple books including The Birth Partner.  She is a crack up in class so far.  She makes jokes and is pretty entertaining.  There are a lot of couples in our group and it will be interesting to see if we get to really know any of them.  I still have the infertility chip on my shoulder and tend to want to steer clear of pregnant ladies (why wont that go away??) so I tend to avoid eye contact and small talk.  We'll see what happens.

Because the last class falls two days after my due date they encouraged me to attend to previous session's last class in case I go into labor early and have to miss it.  So we went to the class on Thurs.  It was a breast feeding class and it was pretty informative.  B and I were both so overwhelmed with 5 hrs of birth/breastfeeding classes and all the house stuff we were just exhausted.

We also had a midwife appt. on Thurs before our breastfeeding class.  I am measuring about a week ahead again and everything else looks good.  Hazy appears to be doing great!  My midwife felt her and said she is guessing that she weighs between 4 1/2 to 5 lbs and if I go late she might be up to 8 1/2 lbs!!!  Do you remember all that bull shit about her being a small baby?  I ordered our home birth supplies kit and B is ordering the labor tub.  I just set up an appt with a naturopath pediatrician for next Monday.  She also treats the whole family so I am going to ask her about the TDAP shot and the group B strep swab.  I'd like to avoid both but have the feeling I will get coerced into doing them.  I have two friends who go to this Dr. and love her so I feel good about that.  Plus I liked her picture on the website.  That is how you pick someone, right?

As if that wasn't enough my dance students had their dress rehearsal on Fri evening and 2 shows on Saturday.  That marks the end of the year until Sept. so I am now not teaching on Mon/Tues nights which is sad for my bank account, makes me very happy!  I won't be going back to teaching there until the middle of Oct. when Hazy will be about 11-12 weeks old.

This weekend was also the graduations of two of my sisters.  One from University and one from high school.   I didn't get to attend either but they both understood. 

Saturday was also my birthday....33.  Blah.  During the second recital my boss told the entire audience of 200 plus people that it was my birthday and they all sang me happy birthday while I stood there looking like an idiot.  The highlight of the day was when I got home and opened my gift from B.  He got me the petunia pickle bottom diaper bag that I told him I wanted 6 weeks ago.  I didn't think he would get it because of the price and then the whole housing situation happened and I intended to tell him to skip it because we cant afford it right now.  I forgot to tell him though and he actually got it!  I LOVE it!  I want to start using it now as my purse but I feel silly doing that until Hazy arrives. 

Only 5 more weeks until my due date!  This shit is getting real.  I am trying to do my keagals and squats.  We have done one session of perineal massage.  That was not sexy friends.  B thought it was going to be sexy and we quickly realized that it couldn't be farther from a sexy fun time.  We haven't done it since but we really need to make it a priority.  Awkward and uncomfortable as it may be it's better than ripping the ol' vag during the birth.  I like to call the perineal massage "Vaginal stretching" because it makes B squirm.  It's funny. 

Ok, I think I have purged my crazy thoughts for the moment so that's it for now! 


  1. Good luck on the house, girly! The right one will come along. Just remember, even if the first one doesn't work out, there's always another. We had two houses fall through before we got this one and in the end, I can't imagine being anywhere else. I'm glad to hear you found something so quickly.

    And three cheers for Petunia Pickle Bottom! Best bags EVER!! Gah, I'm so excited for you. These next few weeks are just gonna fly right by. Can't wait to follow along :)

    1. Yeah, we were told to expect to lose 3-5 before you get one....depressing! We really like our agent though so the right house just has to pop up....please god let it pop up!!! I'll bet you are having your babe right about now!!!!! Sqeeeeeeellll!!!

  2. House hunting it hard! Hope it all works out for you.

  3. Love the sassy pic! Best of luck on the house hunt!

  4. You look fabulous!! I love the diapy bag too!! What a busy month you have ahead of you, good luck on the house. Owning your own home is exciting :)

    I tried the perineal massage a couple times but I didn't keep up with it. Some people say it works and others say it doesnt. I did have a first degree tear though so maybe I should have tried it!

    1. Thinking about buying a home we are excited about living in is really exciting but right now it just stinks! I just don't want to be forced to think about it right now, I just want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy.

  5. I totally understand where you're coming from about the loan/inheritance from B's parents. I know it's hard, but try and forget your worries about it all, they wouldn't be doing it if they couldn't afford it / didn't want to help. I hope things with the house you love fall into place, it sounds like an amazing place!

    Can I just say how jealous I am of you for doing a birth class with Penny Simpkin?! Our doula recommended her book and K has devoured it (I still need to get my butt in gear and read it.)

    Happy birthday! I love the bag, what a thoughtful gift from B. You're almost to the end, I am so interested in reading about how your home birth goes!

    1. I'm interested in how the home birth is going to go too, lol! Penny is pretty hilarious. I read several books in the beginning of the pregnancy but I've lost steam...

  6. Happy way belated birthday! Love the bag. Hate the house hunt! Just read Penny's instructions on perineal massage. Doesn't sound like a massage at all, "vaginal stretching" seems much more accurate. :-)

    1. In class last night penny showed us how to do perineal massage demonstrating on a vagina puppet!!! So good :)

  7. House hunting can be quite a difficult task to do, moreso if you're pregnant. However, it seems you have the edge of having the realtor, your aunt-in-law, working in your best interests. I hope you guys get to close in on that house that you liked. There are many things to consider, and it could get tricky if the sellers turned out to be tough nuts to crack. Good luck on your house buying, and on your pregnancy, as well!

    Derek Cunningham@ H2 Real Estate

  8. This looked like a crazy time for you! House hunting could be difficult, moreso if you're pregnant. There are a lot of visits, inspections and paperwork to do, so it was bound to be excruiciating. B's loan offer is interesting, though. Did you guys take the offer? Or was there a better offer elsewhere? Good luck in this house hunting saga, and congratulations on your new baby!

    Barry Sutton @ Iron Point Mortgage
